18 December, 2016

The Poor Vs The Rich

If you have viewed my earlier posts, you will know they are all investments related topics. I shall side track from the topic with regards to how unfair the world is as a living being. This actually concerned me a lot for many years, leading to quarrels with my parents as well as my loved one. We all know things are never fair be it in school, work or in life. There are always people who you felt should deserve less because you think you have been through more pain, hardship or have worked harder. Too bad this is not how the world works, especially for the poor.

Call me realistic or practical but it is the way it is. The poor have to struggle more with worries, anxiety, sleep or even more health problems. Whenever money is concerned to solve a problem, it adds another hurdle for the poor while the rich can easily pay off the issue.

*image from: https://www.chinasmack.com/rich-vs-poor-chinese-parents-children

There are sayings that money cannot make a person happy but many find it half true. Honestly, without money there is also no meaning in life. This is because you will not be able to have food, education, shelter, transport or travel. I personally felt that the rich can have better means and tools to nurture their kids in a positive and happy environment, thus shaping them to perform better while the poor has to work part time while studying along with distractions like family worries. Of course, it can be subjective as some poor elites still make it through strong but they had it tougher than the rich. It is actually the same for investing. Some lucky fellow bought a stock without much research and yet they can earn a handsome return while some hardworking investors did their due diligence but were slashed by the unforgiving market.

I am not brain washing or instilling negativity about being poor but the poorer population may just about empathize why. Having lesser also increases the chance of one being envy or jealous of your friends. In denial, we start pointing to the fact that he or she was borned with a rich father and that is why they can easily have whatever they desire in the form of materials or continual of a family business. He or she might also be heavily pampered and sponsored in their education (overseas or not), day to day necessities, luxuries, cars and many more. Do not get me wrong as I do not desire the “free” things coming from a parent but I would view a less worried life in the past as more important. After all, it is cruel to witness the pain of being poor when you are still so young. Being poor has however allowed us to understand hardship early and would make us more likely to avoid them as much as possible.

To the rich, they might not really understand us. I mean if I was borned rich, I will probably be too spoiled to notice how my poorer peers are suffering and might even felt that I deserved the wealth as my parent took more risks and effort to get us where we are now.

Nevertheless, each of us should have already done our best at any point of our life and it is cruel to blame yourself for the past that you can no longer change. It is like hindsight in the stock market. As of now, we still can do more in the future by being less ignorant, working harder within our means and doing cleverer investments. There are of course other fulfilling things to do in this world that can make us happy and useful. All in all, stop wasting time as a human being but do pamper yourselves once in a while. When we are young, we tend to have enough fun wasting our time gaming or watching televisions. We can still do those while working hard but with certain control. We are all humans who need some fun time to time.

So if you have a friend who is bitter and just cannot understand why they are so morbid, he or she might likely be from a poor family, mentally weak or both. I believe all of us were borned smart and cheerful, who want to have some fun but the world has changed us and made us who we are today –practical, serious and harsh


  1. I resonate with what you are feeling. Life is never fair.
    However, the attitude that we hold towards whatever that is being thrown to us is the key.
    Being born poor makes us resilient, able to bear hardship and cherish the things we have and those that money can't buy
    Being rich has their problems too. Fighting over inheritances, not knowing if your friends are real friends or there because you are rich and powerful etc.
    "Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about"

  2. Hi Shuzhen,

    Yes, indeed. Probably you came from a similar background to be able to resonate.
    It is not too late to make a comeback.
